Slip-On Flanges

slip-on flanges

Slip-on flanges are flanges with raised seal faces, which are slid and welded directly on the end of the pipe. Yanhao Flange Factory is an outstanding manufacturer specializing in providing a comprehensive range of Slip On Flanges for various industries from China. Choose from our selection of Slip-on Flanges, including a wide range of industry-standard dimensions and specifications. Excellent physical performance, good welding, and sealing property guarantee us to be your best slid on flange supplier.

  • class 150
  • class 300
  • class 400
  • class 600
  • class 900
  • class 1500

ANSI B16.5 Class 150 Slip-On Flanges

(a)All dimensions are in inches.

(b)These flanges will be furnished with a 1/16" raised face unless otherwise specified.For more alternate flange facings, please click here!

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Raised Face Diameter (R) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Bore (B) Hub Diameter (X) Thickness (T) Length Thru Hub (Y) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 3.50 2.38 1.38 4 0.62 0.88 1.19 0.38 0.56 1
3/4 3.88 2.75 1.69 4 0.62 1.09 1.50 0.44 0.56 2
1 4.25 3.12 2.00 4 0.62 1.36 1.94 0.50 0.62 2
1 1/4 4.62 3.50 2.50 4 0.62 1.70 2.31 0.56 0.75 3
1 1/2 5.00 3.88 2.88 4 0.62 1.95 2.56 0.62 0.81 3
2 6.00 4.75 3.62 4 0.75 2.44 3.06 0.69 0.94 5
2 1/2 7.00 5.50 4.12 4 0.75 2.94 3.56 0.81 1.06 7
3 7.50 6.00 5.00 4 0.75 3.57 4.25 0.88 1.12 8
3 1/2 8.50 7.00 5.50 8 0.75 4.07 4.81 0.88 1.19 11
4 9.00 7.50 6.19 8 0.75 4.57 5.31 0.88 1.25 13
5 10.00 8.50 7.31 8 0.88 5.66 6.44 0.88 1.38 15
6 11.00 9.50 8.50 8 0.88 6.72 7.56 0.94 1.50 19
8 13.50 11.75 10.62 8 0.88 8.72 9.69 1.06 1.69 30
10 16.00 14.25 12.75 12 1.00 10.88 12.00 1.12 1.88 43
12 19.00 17.00 15.00 12 1.00 12.88 14.38 1.19 2.12 64
14 21.00 18.75 16.25 12 1.12 14.14 15.75 1.31 2.19 90
16 23.50 21.25 18.50 16 1.12 16.16 18.00 1.38 2.44 98
18 25.00 22.75 21.00 16 1.25 18.18 19.88 1.50 2.62 130
20 27.50 25.00 23.00 20 1.25 20.20 22.00 1.62 2.81 165
22 29.50 27.25 25.25 20 1.38 22.22 24.00 1.75 3.06 185
24 32.00 29.50 27.25 20 1.38 24.25 26.12 1.81 3.19 220

ANSI B16.5 Class 300 Slip-On Flanges

(a)All dimensions are in inches.

(b)These flanges will be furnished with a 1/16" raised face unless otherwise specified.For more alternate flange facings, please click here!

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Raised Face Diameter (R) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Bore (B) Hub Diameter (X) Thickness (T) Length Thru Hub (Y) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 3.75 2.62 1.38 4 0.63 0.88 1.50 0.50 0.81 2
3/4 4.62 3.25 1.69 4 0.75 1.09 1.88 0.56 0.94 3
1 4.88 3.50 2.00 4 0.75 1.36 2.12 0.62 1.00 3
1 1/4 5.25 3.88 2.50 4 0.75 1.70 2.50 0.69 1.00 4
1 1/2 6.12 4.50 2.88 4 0.88 1.95 2.75 0.75 1.13 6
2 6.50 5.00 3.62 8 0.75 2.44 3.31 0.81 1.25 7
2 1/2 7.50 5.88 4.12 8 0.88 2.94 3.94 0.94 1.44 10
3 8.25 6.62 5.00 8 0.88 3.57 4.62 1.06 1.63 13
3 1/2 9.00 7.25 5.50 8 0.88 4.07 5.25 1.12 1.69 17
4 10.00 7.88 6.19 8 0.88 4.57 5.75 1.19 1.82 22
5 11.00 9.25 7.31 8 0.88 5.66 7.00 1.31 1.94 28
6 12.50 10.62 8.50 12 0.88 6.72 8.12 1.38 2.00 39
8 15.00 13.00 10.62 12 1.00 8.72 10.25 1.56 2.38 58
10 17.50 15.25 12.75 16 1.13 10.88 12.62 1.81 2.56 81
12 20.50 17.75 15.00 16 1.25 12.88 14.75 1.94 2.82 115
14 23.00 20.25 16.25 20 1.25 14.14 16.75 2.06 2.94 165
16 25.50 22.50 18.50 20 1.38 16.16 19.00 2.19 3.19 190
18 28.00 24.75 21.00 24 1.38 18.18 21.00 2.31 3.44 250
20 30.50 27.00 23.00 24 1.38 20.20 23.12 2.44 3.69 315
22 33.00 29.25 25.25 24 1.63 22.22 25.25 2.56 3.94 370
24 36.00 32.00 27.25 24 1.63 24.25 27.62 2.69 4.13 475

ANSI B16.5 Class 400 Slip-On Flanges

(a)All dimensions are in inches.
(b)These flanges will be furnished with a 1/4" raised face unless otherwise specified.For more alternate flange facings, please click here!

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Raised Face Diameter (R) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Bore (B) Hub Diameter (X) Thickness (T) Length Thru Hub (Y) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 3.75 2.62 1.38 4 0.63 0.88 1.50 0.56 0.88 2
3/4 4.62 3.25 1.69 4 0.75 1.09 1.88 0.62 1.00 3
1 4.88 3.50 2.00 4 0.75 1.36 2.12 0.69 1.06 4
1 1/4 5.25 3.88 2.50 4 0.75 1.70 2.50 0.81 1.12 5
1 1/2 6.12 4.50 2.88 4 0.88 1.95 2.75 0.88 1.25 7
2 6.50 5.00 3.62 8 0.75 2.44 3.31 1.00 1.44 9
2 1/2 7.50 5.88 4.12 8 0.88 2.94 3.94 1.12 1.62 13
3 8.25 6.62 5.00 8 0.88 3.57 4.62 1.25 1.81 16
3 1/2 9.00 7.25 5.50 8 1.00 4.07 5.25 1.38 1.94 21
4 10.00 7.88 6.19 8 1.00 4.57 5.75 1.38 2.00 26
5 11.00 9.25 7.31 8 1.00 5.66 7.00 1.50 2.12 31
6 12.50 10.62 8.50 12 1.00 6.72 8.12 1.62 2.25 44
8 15.00 13.00 10.62 12 1.13 8.72 10.25 1.88 2.69 67
10 17.50 15.25 12.75 16 1.25 10.88 12.62 2.12 2.88 91
12 20.50 17.75 15.00 16 1.38 12.88 14.75 2.25 3.12 130
14 23.00 20.25 16.25 20 1.38 14.14 16.75 2.38 3.31 180
16 25.50 22.50 18.50 20 1.50 16.16 19.00 2.50 3.69 235
18 28.00 24.75 21.00 24 1.50 18.18 21.00 2.62 3.88 285
20 30.50 27.00 23.00 24 1.63 20.20 23.13 2.75 4.00 345
22 33.00 29.25 25.25 24 1.75 22.22 25.25 2.88 4.25 405
24 36.00 32.00 27.25 24 1.88 24.25 27.62 3.00 4.50 510

ANSI B16.5 Class 600 Slip-On Flanges

(a)All dimensions are in inches.

(b)These flanges will be furnished with a 1/4" raised face unless otherwise specified.

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Raised Face Diameter (R) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Bore (B) Hub Diameter (X) Thickness (T) Length Thru Hub (Y) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 3.75 2.62 1.38 4 0.63 0.88 1.50 0.56 0.88 2
3/4 4.62 3.25 1.69 4 0.75 1.09 1.88 0.62 1.00 3
1 4.88 3.50 2.00 4 0.75 1.36 2.12 0.69 1.06 4
1 1/4 5.25 3.88 2.50 4 0.75 1.70 2.50 0.81 1.12 5
1 1/2 6.12 4.50 2.88 4 0.88 1.95 2.75 0.88 1.25 7
2 6.50 5.00 3.62 8 0.75 2.44 3.31 1.00 1.44 9
2 1/2 7.50 5.88 4.12 8 0.88 2.94 3.94 1.12 1.62 13
3 8.25 6.62 5.00 8 0.88 3.57 4.62 1.25 1.81 16
3 1/2 9.00 7.25 5.50 8 1.00 4.07 5.25 1.38 1.94 21
4 10.75 8.50 6.19 8 1.00 4.57 6.00 1.50 2.12 37
5 13.00 10.50 7.31 8 1.13 5.66 7.44 1.75 2.38 63
6 14.00 11.50 8.50 12 1.13 6.72 8.75 1.88 2.62 80
8 16.50 13.75 10.62 12 1.25 8.72 10.75 2.19 3.00 115
10 20.00 17.00 12.75 16 1.38 10.88 13.50 2.50 3.38 170
12 22.00 19.25 15.00 20 1.38 12.88 15.75 2.62 3.62 200
14 23.75 20.75 16.25 20 1.50 14.14 17.00 2.75 3.69 230
16 27.00 23.75 18.50 20 1.63 16.16 19.50 3.00 4.19 330
18 29.25 25.75 21.00 20 1.75 18.18 21.50 3.25 4.62 400
20 32.00 28.50 23.00 24 1.75 20.20 24.00 3.50 5.00 510
22 34.25 30.62 25.25 24 1.88 22.22 26.25 3.75 5.25 590
24 37.00 33.00 27.25 24 2.00 24.25 28.25 4.00 5.50 730

ANSI B16.5 Class 900 Slip-On Flanges

(a)All dimensions are in inches.

(b)These flanges will be furnished with a 1/4" raised face unless otherwise specified. For more alternate flange facings, please click here!

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Raised Face Diameter (R) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Bore (B) Hub Diameter (X) Thickness (T) Length Thru Hub (Y) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 4.75 3.25 1.38 4 0.88 0.88 1.50 0.88 1.25 4
3/4 5.12 3.50 1.69 4 0.88 1.09 1.75 1.00 1.38 5
1 5.88 4.00 2.00 4 1.00 1.36 2.06 1.12 1.62 8
1 1/4 6.25 4.38 2.50 4 1.00 1.70 2.50 1.12 1.62 9
1 1/2 7.00 4.88 2.88 4 1.13 1.97 2.75 1.25 1.75 12
2 8.50 6.50 3.62 8 1.00 2.46 4.12 1.50 2.25 25
2 1/2 9.62 7.50 4.12 8 1.13 2.97 4.88 1.62 2.50 36
3 9.50 7.50 5.00 8 1.00 3.57 5.00 1.50 2.12 26
4 11.50 9.25 6.19 8 1.25 4.57 6.25 1.75 2.75 53
5 13.75 11.00 7.31 8 1.38 5.66 7.50 2.00 3.12 83
6 15.00 12.50 8.50 12 1.25 6.72 9.25 2.19 3.38 110
8 18.50 15.50 10.62 12 1.50 8.72 11.75 2.50 4.00 170
10 21.50 18.50 12.75 16 1.50 10.88 14.50 2.75 4.25 245
12 24.00 21.00 15.00 20 1.50 12.88 16.50 3.12 4.62 325
14 25.25 22.00 16.25 20 1.63 14.14 17.75 3.38 5.12 400
16 27.75 24.25 18.50 20 1.75 16.16 20.00 3.50 5.25 425
18 31.00 27.00 21.00 20 2.00 18.18 22.25 4.00 6.00 600
20 33.75 29.50 23.00 20 2.13 20.20 24.50 4.25 6.25 730
24 41.00 35.50 27.25 20 2.63 24.25 29.50 5.50 8.00 1400


ANSI B16.5 Class 1500 Slip-On Flanges

(a)All dimensions are in inches.
(b)These flanges will be furnished with a 1/4" raised face unless otherwise specified. For more alternate flange facings, please click here!

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Raised Face Diameter (R) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Bore (B) Hub Diameter (X) Thickness (T) Length Thru Hub (Y) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 4.75 3.25 1.38 4 0.88 0.88 1.50 0.88 1.25 4
3/4 5.12 3.50 1.69 4 0.88 1.09 1.75 1.00 1.38 5
1 5.88 4.00 2.00 4 1.00 1.36 2.06 1.12 1.62 8
1 1/4 6.25 4.38 2.50 4 1.00 1.70 2.50 1.12 1.62 9
1 1/2 7.00 4.88 2.88 4 1.13 1.95 2.75 1.25 1.75 12
2 8.50 6.50 3.62 8 1.00 2.44 4.12 1.50 2.25 25
2 1/2 9.62 7.50 4.12 8 1.13 2.94 4.88 1.62 2.50 36

China Top Slip On Flange Manufacturer & Supplier

Slip-on flanges are flanges with raised seal faces, which are slid and welded directly on the end of the pipe. Yanhao Flange Factory is an outstanding manufacturer specializing in providing a comprehensive range of Slip On Flanges for various industries from China. Choose from our selection of Slip-On Flanges, including a wide range of industry-standard dimensions and specifications. Excellent physical performance, good welding, and sealing property guarantee us to be your best slid on flange supplier.

Our steel slip-on flange products are all of excellent quality with competitive prices, professional production equipment, production team, sales, and QC departments.

Our qualified Slip-On flanges have excellent performance leak-proof, can be applied in an extreme environment like corrosive, high temperature, and vibratory, and are very easy to install and disassemble.

We built long-term relationships with our customers and from design to production, transportation, supply our customers a full and comprehensive service and let customers without any concerns.

OEM/ODM service accepted standard or no-standard steel slip-on flanges in various specifications and standard materials can be manufactured according to customers’ requirements.

Top Quality Standard or No-Standard Slip-On Flanges Supply

We offer many references of Slip-on flanges made of stainless steel, carbon steel, and alloy steel. Our steel slip-on flanges are recommended for installations subject to medium pressures. We manufacture Slip On Flanges for over 20 years, do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

What is Slip-On Flange?

Slip-on Flange belongs to one of the flat welded flange series. Slip-on Flange is the same as the flat welding flange, is fixed by two welding fillets, both inside and outside the flange. Slip-on flanges slide over the end of a tube and then weld in place. These flanges work well for low-pressure applications.

The weld-on flange slides over the top of the end of the pipe, then is welded to it. The inside and outside of the flange are both welded, to provide sufficient resistance, without leakage. It may be preferred to the flange for its lower price, the greater tolerance in the length of the tube to be cut, and the greater facility for aligning the assembly. Its resistance to internal pressure and its fatigue resistance is lower than for a flange with welded flange. This is why its use is limited to small diameters for the highest pressures. It is perfect for low-pressure applications.

Slip-On Flange Materials

Carbon Steel Flange: ASTM A105, 20#, Q235, 16Mn, ASTM A350 LF1, LF2 CL1/CL2, LF3 CL1/CL2, ASTM A694 F42, F46, F48, F50, F52, F56, F60, F65 ,F70;

Stainless Steel Flange: ASTM A182 F304, 304L, F316, 316L, 1Cr18Ni9Ti, 0Cr18Ni9Ti, 321, 18-8;

Alloy Steel Flange: ASTM A182 F1, F5a, F9, F11, F12, F22, F91, A182F12, A182F11, 16MnR, Cr5Mo, 12Cr1MoV, 15CrMo, 12Cr2Mo1, A335P22, St45.8/Ⅲ;

Sealing Surface Types For Slip-On Flanges

RF (Raised Face);

FF (Flat Face);

MFM (Male-and-Female Face);

F (Female Face);

M (Male Face);

TG (Tongue and Groove Face);

Among them, the uneven surface (MFM) is a matching use;

click here -> Alternate Flange Facings

Slip-On Flange Standard


Specification of Slip-On Flanges


Slip-On Flange Pressure Grade

PN series: PN2.5Mpa~PN40Mpa;

Class series: Class150~Class1500;

Surface Treatment

Anti-rust Oil, Transparent/Yellow/Black Anti-rust Paint, Zinc, Hot dipped Galvanized.


Oil Field, Offshore, Water System, Shipbuilding, Natural Gas, Electric Power, Pipe Projects, etc.

If you need other flanges please click here: Flanges

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