Lap Joint Flanges

lap joint flanges

Lap Joint Flanges are free to rotate when a stub end is welded to the end of the steel tube, which has the function of not allowing the steel of the lap joint flange to come into contact with the fluid that carries the pipe. Our Steel ring joint flanges are known for their excellent performance, corrosion resistance, and durability. A lap joint flange is typically used for low-pressure applications.

  • class 150
  • class 300
  • class 400
  • class 600
  • class 900
  • class 1500
  • Class 2500

ANSI B16.5 Class 150 Lap Joint Flanges

(a)All dimensions are in inches.

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Radius (r) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Hub Diameter (X) Bore (B) Thickness (T) Length Thru Hub (Y) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 3.50 2.38 0.12 4 0.62 1.19 0.90 0.44 0.62 1
3/4 3.88 2.75 0.12 4 0.62 1.50 1.11 0.50 0.62 2
1 4.25 3.12 0.12 4 0.62 1.94 1.36 0.56 0.69 2
1 1/4 4.62 3.50 0.19 4 0.62 2.31 1.70 0.62 0.81 3
1 1/2 5.00 3.88 0.25 4 0.62 2.56 1.95 0.69 0.88 3
2 6.00 4.75 0.31 4 0.75 3.06 2.44 0.75 1.00 5
2 1/2 7.00 5.50 0.31 4 0.75 3.56 2.97 0.88 1.12 7
3 7.50 6.00 0.38 4 0.75 4.25 3.60 0.94 1.19 8
3 1/2 8.50 7.00 0.38 8 0.75 4.81 4.10 0.94 1.25 11
4 9.00 7.50 0.44 8 0.75 5.31 4.60 0.94 1.31 13
5 10.00 8.50 0.44 8 0.88 6.44 5.69 0.94 1.44 15
6 11.00 9.50 0.50 8 0.88 7.56 6.75 1.00 1.56 19
8 13.50 11.75 0.50 8 0.88 9.69 8.75 1.12 1.75 30
10 16.00 14.25 0.50 12 1.00 12.00 10.92 1.19 1.94 43
12 19.00 17.00 0.50 12 1.00 14.38 12.92 1.25 2.19 64
14 21.00 18.75 0.50 12 1.12 15.75 14.18 1.38 3.12 105
16 23.50 21.25 0.50 16 1.12 18.00 16.19 1.44 3.44 140
18 25.00 22.75 0.50 16 1.25 19.88 18.20 1.56 3.81 160
20 27.50 25.00 0.50 20 1.25 22.00 20.25 1.69 4.06 195
22 29.50 27.25 0.50 20 1.38 24.00 22.25 1.81 4.25 245
24 32.00 29.50 0.50 20 1.38 26.12 24.25 1.88 4.38 275

ANSI B16.5 Class 300 Lap Joint Flanges

(a)All dimensions are in inches.

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Radius (r) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Hub Diameter (X) Bore (B) Thickness (T) Length Thru Hub (Y) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 3.75 2.62 0.12 4 0.63 1.50 0.90 0.56 0.88 2
3/4 4.62 3.25 0.12 4 0.75 1.88 1.11 0.62 1.00 3
1 4.88 3.50 0.12 4 0.75 2.12 1.38 0.69 1.06 3
1 1/4 5.25 3.88 0.19 4 0.75 2.50 1.72 0.75 1.06 4
1 1/2 6.12 4.50 0.25 4 0.88 2.75 1.97 0.81 1.19 6
2 6.50 5.00 0.31 8 0.75 3.31 2.46 0.88 1.31 7
2 1/2 7.50 5.88 0.31 8 0.88 3.94 2.97 1.00 1.50 10
3 8.25 6.62 0.38 8 0.88 4.62 3.60 1.12 1.69 13
3 1/2 9.00 7.25 0.38 8 0.88 5.25 4.10 1.19 1.75 17
4 10.00 7.88 0.44 8 0.88 5.75 4.60 1.25 1.88 22
5 11.00 9.25 0.44 8 0.88 7.00 5.69 1.38 2.00 28
6 12.50 10.62 0.50 12 0.88 8.12 6.75 1.44 2.06 39
8 15.00 13.00 0.50 12 1.00 10.25 8.75 1.62 2.44 58
10 17.50 15.25 0.50 16 1.13 12.62 10.92 1.88 3.75 91
12 20.50 17.75 0.50 16 1.25 14.75 12.92 2.00 4.00 140
14 23.00 20.25 0.50 20 1.25 16.75 14.18 2.12 4.38 190
16 25.50 22.50 0.50 20 1.38 19.00 16.19 2.25 4.75 250
18 28.00 24.75 0.50 24 1.38 21.00 18.20 2.38 5.12 295
20 30.50 27.00 0.50 24 1.38 23.12 20.25 2.50 5.50 370
22 33.00 29.25 0.50 24 1.63 25.25 22.25 2.62 5.69 435
24 36.00 32.00 0.50 24 1.63 27.62 24.25 2.75 6.00 550

ANSI B16.5 Class 400 Lap Joint Flanges

(a)All dimensions are in inches.

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Radius (r) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Hub Diameter (X) Bore (B) Thickness (T) Length Thru Hub (Y) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 3.75 2.62 0.12 4 0.63 1.50 0.90 0.56 0.88 2
3/4 4.62 3.25 0.12 4 0.75 1.88 1.11 0.62 1.00 3
1 4.88 3.50 0.12 4 0.75 2.12 1.38 0.69 1.06 4
1 1/4 5.25 3.88 0.19 4 0.75 2.50 1.72 0.81 1.12 5
1 1/2 6.12 4.50 0.25 4 0.88 2.75 1.97 0.88 1.25 7
2 6.50 5.00 0.31 8 0.75 3.31 2.46 1.00 1.44 9
2 1/2 7.50 5.88 0.31 8 0.88 3.94 2.97 1.12 1.62 12
3 8.25 6.62 0.38 8 0.88 4.62 3.60 1.25 1.81 15
3 1/2 9.00 7.25 0.38 8 1.00 5.25 4.10 1.38 1.94 20
4 10.00 7.88 0.44 8 1.00 5.75 4.60 1.38 2.00 25
5 11.00 9.25 0.44 8 1.00 7.00 5.69 1.50 2.12 29
6 12.50 10.62 0.50 12 1.00 8.12 6.75 1.62 2.25 42
8 15.00 13.00 0.50 12 1.13 10.25 8.75 1.88 2.69 64
10 17.50 15.25 0.50 16 1.25 12.62 10.92 2.12 4.00 110
12 20.50 17.75 0.50 16 1.38 14.75 12.92 2.25 4.25 150
14 23.00 20.25 0.50 20 1.38 16.75 14.18 2.38 4.62 205
16 25.50 22.50 0.50 20 1.50 19.00 16.19 2.50 5.00 260
18 28.00 24.75 0.50 24 1.50 21.00 18.20 2.62 5.38 315
20 30.50 27.00 0.50 24 1.63 23.13 20.25 2.75 5.75 385
22 33.00 29.25 0.50 24 1.75 25.25 22.25 2.88 6.00 455
24 36.00 32.00 0.50 24 1.88 27.62 24.25 3.00 6.25 570

ANSI B16.5 Class 600 Lap Joint Flanges

(a)All dimensions are in inches.

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Radius (r) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Hub Diameter (X) Bore (B) Thickness (T) Length Thru Hub (Y) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 3.75 2.62 0.12 4 0.63 1.50 0.90 0.56 0.88 2
3/4 4.62 3.25 0.12 4 0.75 1.88 1.11 0.62 1.00 3
1 4.88 3.50 0.12 4 0.75 2.12 1.38 0.69 1.06 4
1 1/4 5.25 3.88 0.19 4 0.75 2.50 1.72 0.81 1.12 5
1 1/2 6.12 4.50 0.25 4 0.88 2.75 1.97 0.88 1.25 7
2 6.50 5.00 0.31 8 0.75 3.31 2.46 1.00 1.44 9
2 1/2 7.50 5.88 0.31 8 0.88 3.94 2.97 1.12 1.62 12
3 8.25 6.62 0.38 8 0.88 4.62 3.60 1.25 1.81 15
3 1/2 9.00 7.25 0.38 8 1.00 5.25 4.10 1.38 1.94 20
4 10.75 8.50 0.44 8 1.00 6.00 4.60 1.50 2.12 36
5 13.00 10.50 0.44 8 1.13 7.44 5.69 1.75 2.38 61
6 14.00 11.50 0.50 12 1.13 8.75 6.75 1.88 2.62 78
8 16.50 13.75 0.50 12 1.25 10.75 8.75 2.19 3.00 110
10 20.00 17.00 0.50 16 1.38 13.50 10.92 2.50 4.38 170
12 22.00 19.25 0.50 20 1.38 15.75 12.92 2.62 4.62 200
14 23.75 20.75 0.50 20 1.50 17.00 14.18 2.75 5.00 250
16 27.00 23.75 0.50 20 1.63 19.50 16.19 3.00 5.50 365
18 29.25 25.75 0.50 20 1.75 21.50 18.20 3.25 6.00 435
20 32.00 28.50 0.50 24 1.75 24.00 20.25 3.50 6.50 570
22 34.25 30.62 0.50 24 1.88 26.25 22.25 3.75 6.88 670
24 37.00 33.00 0.50 24 2.00 28.25 24.25 4.00 7.25 810

ANSI B16.5 Class 900 Lap Joint Flanges

(a)All dimensions are in inches.

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Radius (r) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Hub Diameter (X) Bore (B) Thickness (T) Length Thru Hub (Y) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 4.75 3.25 0.12 4 0.88 1.50 0.90 0.88 1.25 4
3/4 5.12 3.50 0.12 4 0.88 1.75 1.11 1.00 1.38 5
1 5.88 4.00 0.12 4 1.00 2.06 1.38 1.12 1.62 8
1 1/4 6.25 4.38 0.19 4 1.00 2.50 1.72 1.12 1.62 9
1 1/2 7.00 4.88 0.25 4 1.13 2.75 1.97 1.25 1.75 12
2 8.50 6.50 0.31 8 1.00 4.12 2.46 1.50 2.25 25
2 1/2 9.62 7.50 0.31 8 1.13 4.88 2.97 1.62 2.50 35
3 9.50 7.50 0.38 8 1.00 5.00 3.60 1.50 2.12 25
4 11.50 9.25 0.44 8 1.25 6.25 4.60 1.75 2.75 51
5 13.75 11.00 0.50 8 1.38 7.50 5.69 2.00 3.12 81
6 15.00 12.50 0.50 12 1.25 9.25 6.75 2.19 3.38 105
8 18.50 15.50 0.50 12 1.50 11.75 8.75 2.50 4.50 190
10 21.50 18.50 0.50 16 1.50 14.50 10.92 2.75 5.00 275
12 24.00 21.00 0.50 20 1.50 16.50 12.92 3.12 5.62 370
14 25.25 22.00 0.50 20 1.63 17.75 14.18 3.38 6.12 415
16 27.75 24.25 0.50 20 1.75 20.00 16.19 3.50 6.50 465
18 31.00 27.00 0.50 20 2.00 22.25 18.20 4.00 7.50 650
20 33.75 29.50 0.50 20 2.13 24.50 20.25 4.25 8.25 810
24 41.00 35.50 0.50 20 2.63 29.50 24.25 5.50 10.50 1550

ANSI B16.5 Class 1500 Lap Joint Flanges

(a)All dimensions are in inches.

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Radius (r) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Hub Diameter (X) Bore (B) Thickness (T) Length Thru Hub (Y) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 4.75 3.25 0.12 4 0.88 1.50 0.90 0.88 1.25 4
3/4 5.12 3.50 0.12 4 0.88 1.75 1.11 1.00 1.38 5
1 5.88 4.00 0.12 4 1.00 2.06 1.38 1.12 1.62 8
1 1/4 6.25 4.38 0.19 4 1.00 2.50 1.72 1.12 1.62 9
1 1/2 7.00 4.88 0.25 4 1.13 2.75 1.97 1.25 1.75 12
2 8.50 6.50 0.31 8 1.00 4.12 2.46 1.50 2.25 25
2 1/2 9.62 7.50 0.31 8 1.13 4.88 2.97 1.62 2.50 35
3 10.50 8.00 0.38 8 1.25 5.25 3.60 1.88 2.88 47
4 12.25 9.50 0.44 8 1.38 6.38 4.60 2.12 3.56 75
5 14.75 11.50 0.44 8 1.63 7.75 5.69 2.88 4.12 140
6 15.50 12.50 0.50 12 1.50 9.00 6.75 3.25 4.69 170
8 19.00 15.50 0.50 12 1.75 11.50 8.75 3.62 5.62 285
10 23.00 19.00 0.50 12 2.00 14.50 10.92 4.25 7.00 485
12 26.50 22.50 0.50 16 2.13 17.75 12.92 4.88 8.62 630
14 29.50 25.00 0.50 16 2.38 19.50 14.18 5.25 9.50 890
16 32.50 27.75 0.50 16 2.63 21.75 16.19 5.75 10.25 1150
18 36.00 30.50 0.50 16 2.88 23.50 18.20 6.38 10.88 1475
20 38.75 32.75 0.50 16 3.13 25.25 20.25 7.00 11.50 1775
24 46.00 39.00 0.50 16 3.63 30.00 24.25 8.00 13.00 2825

ANSI B16.5 Class 2500 Lap Joint Flanges

(a)All dimensions are in inches.

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Radius (r) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Hub Diameter (X) Bore (B) Thickness (T) Length Thru Hub (Y) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 5.25 3.50 0.12 4 0.88 1.69 0.90 1.19 1.56 7
3/4 5.50 3.75 0.12 4 0.88 2.00 1.11 1.25 1.69 8
1 6.25 4.25 0.12 4 1.00 2.25 1.38 1.38 1.88 11
1 1/4 7.25 5.12 0.19 4 1.13 2.88 1.72 1.50 2.06 16
1 1/2 8.00 5.75 0.25 4 1.25 3.12 1.97 1.75 2.38 22
2 9.25 6.75 0.31 8 1.13 3.75 2.46 2.00 2.75 37
2 1/2 10.50 7.75 0.31 8 1.25 4.50 2.97 2.25 3.12 53
3 12.00 9.00 0.38 8 1.38 5.25 3.60 2.62 3.62 80
4 14.00 10.75 0.44 8 1.63 6.50 4.60 3.00 4.25 120
5 16.50 12.75 0.44 8 1.88 8.00 5.69 3.62 5.12 205
6 19.00 14.50 0.50 8 2.13 9.25 6.75 4.25 6.00 315
8 21.75 17.25 0.50 12 2.13 12.00 8.75 5.00 7.00 470
10 26.50 21.25 0.50 12 2.63 14.75 10.92 6.50 9.00 900
12 30.00 24.38 0.50 12 2.88 17.38 12.92 7.25 10.00 1100

Your Trusted Top Grade Lap Joint Flange Supplier From China

Whether you’re looking for a single Lap Joint Flange to connect with a stub end fittings and slide over the pipe or Lap Joint Flange with Stub End, Yanhao has the Ring Lap Joint Flange in the materials you need, as well as their fittings–type A, B and C stub ends. Whether manufacturing repetitive lap joint Flanges day after day or working on custom, one-of-a-kind projects, our production capacity meets your needs. We offer a wide range of Lap Joint Pipe Flanges in various materials, including stainless steel, carbon steel, alloy steel for any number of applications, as well as multiple dimensions. Browse through our selection and if you can’t find the right steel Lap Joint Pipe Flanges, give us a call/mail and we’ll be sure to help. contact us!

Lap Joint Flange (Back-Up, Loose Ring, or Van Stone Flange) is free to rotate when a stub end is welded to the end of the steel tube, which has the function of not allowing the steel of the lap joint flange to come into contact with the fluid that carries the pipe. Our Steel ring joint flanges are known for their excellent performance, corrosion resistance, and durability. A lap joint flange is typically used for low-pressure applications.

Competitive prices, outstanding quality, superior product knowledge, strict quality inspection, hassle-free online ordering, and responsive service (before and after the sale).

Our Lap Joint Pipe Flanges are available in standard specifications, our range of flanges can also be customized according to our client's requirements.

These ANSI B16.5 Lap Joint Flanges meet the requirements of various industries such as automotive, heavy engineering, railways, and pipeline engineering.


Wholesale Top Quality Lap Joint Flanges At Competitive Price From Yanhao

Yanhao is a professional Flange supplier, mainly engaging in manufacturing various Lap Joint Flange Flanges. If you are looking for a reliable distributor to wholesale good quality ring lap joint flanges at the best price, we could be your ideal choice. We offer a wide selection of Lap joint flanges. We also wholesale various high-quality Ring Joint Flanges in all shapes, materials, and sizes and with any specifications that the clients. List of countries where Yanhao supplies ANSI B16.5 Ring Lap Joint Flanges: USA, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, Spain, Argentina, Colombia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Kingdom, Taiwan, Pakistan, Spain, France, Brazil, Vietnam, South Africa, more European and American countries.

What Is Lap Joint Flange?

Lap Joint flanges often called Back-Up, Loose Ring, or Van Stone Flanges must be used with a Stub End fitted with a flange. These ring flanges are commonly produced and stocked in several different materials. The combination of the two makes its cost higher than an equivalent welded flange. The pressure resistance of such an assembly is equivalent to that of a “slip-on” flange, and its resistance to fatigue is much lower than that of a welded flange. Their use for severely constrained services should be avoided. It is mainly used for services requiring frequent disassembly for inspection or cleaning, and where the possibility of turning the flange facilitates alignment. The flange itself not being in contact with the process fluid, it can be made of expensive carbon steel, while the flange is made of more noble material.


Specification of Lap Joint Flanges

LJ Forged Flange: 1/2"~24"

Surface Treatment: Anti-rust Oil, Transparent/Yellow/Black Anti-rust Paint, Zinc, Hot dipped Galvanized.

Lap Joint Pipe Flange Application

Chemical, Engineering, Construction, Oil Field, Offshore, Water System, Shipbuilding, Natural Gas, Electric Power, Manufacturing Industry, Pipe Projects, etc.

Lap Joint Flange Materials

CARBON STEEL – ASTM/ASME SA-105, A-350 LF-2, LF-3, A694, SA-516-70, A36
CHROME ALLOYS – A-182-F-1, F-5, F-6, F-9, F-91, F-11, F-12, F-22
STAINLESS STEEL – A-182 – F-304, Dual Grade 304/304L, Dual Grade 316/316L, 316, 304H, Dual Grade 304/304H, Dual Grade 316/316H, 316H, 309,
310, 317L, 321, 347, 347H, 904L,
Alloy 20, many other H grades
ALUMINUM – 3003, 6061, 5083, and other grades upon request.
HASTALLOY – B-2, C-276, G, X, C-22
INCONEL – 600, 601, 625, 718
INCOLOY – 800, 825, 800H, 800HT
MONEL – 400
COPPER – 90/10 (C70600), 70/30 (C71500)
Duplex – F51/2205, F53/2507
TITANIUM – Gr2, Gr12

Sealing Surface Types For Lap Joint Pipe Flanges

RF (Raised Face);

FF (Flat Face);

M&F (Male-and-Female Face);

RTJ (Ring-Type Joint)

F (Female Face);

M (Male Face);

T&G (Tongue and Groove Face);

click here -> Alternate Flange Facings

Lap Joint Flange Standards

ANSI B16.5

Male Face Steel Butt Weld Ring Lap Joint Pipe Flange with Neck: GB/T 9118.1-2000;

Ring Lap Steel Joint Pipe Flange with Neck: GB/T 9118.2-2000;

Butt Welding Lap Joint Pipe Flange: HG 20599-1997;

Flat Welding Lap Joint Pipe Flange: HG 20600-1997;

Lap Joint Flange Pressure Grade


If you need other flanges please click here: Flanges

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