ASME/ANSI B16.5 flanges

ASME/ANSI B16.5 flanges

Yanhao provides a variety of ASME/ANSI flanges, of which the ANSI B16.5 standard contains various types of flange types, the size ranges from 1/2" to 24 inches, and the pressure range is 150/300/600/900/ 1500/2500 pounds, widely used in petroleum, chemical, nuclear power plants, food manufacturing, construction, shipbuilding, papermaking, pharmaceuticals and other industries.

  • class 150
  • class 150
  • class 150
  • class 150
  • class 150
  • class 150
  • class 300
  • class 300
  • class 300
  • class 300
  • class 300
  • class 300

ANSI B16.5 Class 150 Welding Neck Flanges

(A)All dimensions are in inches.

(B)These flanges will be furnished with a 1/16" raised face unless otherwise specified.For more alternate flange facings, please click here!

(C)Standard Bore will be furnished unless otherwise specified.For more diameter of holes, please click here!

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Raised Face Diameter (R) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Bore (B) Point of Weld (A) Hub Diameter (X) Thickness (T) Length Thru Hub (Y) Approximate Weight (lbs)
 1/2 3.50 2.38 1.38 4 0.62 0.62 0.84 1.19 0.38 1.81 2
 3/4 3.88 2.75 1.69 4 0.62 0.82 1.05 1.50 0.44 2.00 2
1 4.25 3.12 2.00 4 0.62 1.05 1.32 1.94 0.50 2.12 3
1 1/4 4.62 3.50 2.50 4 0.62 1.38 1.66 2.31 0.56 2.19 3
1 1/2 5.00 3.88 2.88 4 0.62 1.61 1.90 2.56 0.62 2.38 4
2 6.00 4.75 3.62 4 0.75 2.07 2.38 3.06 0.69 2.44 6
2 1/2 7.00 5.50 4.12 4 0.75 2.47 2.88 3.56 0.81 2.69 8
3 7.50 6.00 5.00 4 0.75 3.07 3.50 4.25 0.88 2.69 10
3 1/2 8.50 7.00 5.50 8 0.75 3.55 4.00 4.81 0.88 2.75 12
4 9.00 7.50 6.19 8 0.75 4.03 4.50 5.31 0.88 2.94 15
5 10.00 8.50 7.31 8 0.88 5.05 5.56 6.44 0.88 3.44 19
6 11.00 9.50 8.50 8 0.88 6.07 6.63 7.56 0.94 3.44 24
8 13.50 11.75 10.62 8 0.88 7.98 8.63 9.69 1.06 3.94 39
10 16.00 14.25 12.75 12 1.00 10.02 10.75 12.00 1.12 3.94 52
12 19.00 17.00 15.00 12 1.00 12.00 12.75 14.38 1.19 4.44 80
14 21.00 18.75 16.25 12 1.12 13.25 14.00 15.75 1.31 4.94 110
16 23.50 21.25 18.50 16 1.12 15.25 16.00 18.00 1.38 4.94 140
18 25.00 22.75 21.00 16 1.25 17.25 18.00 19.88 1.50 5.44 150
20 27.50 25.00 23.00 20 1.25 19.25 20.00 22.00 1.62 5.62 180
22 29.50 27.25 25.25 20 1.38 21.25 22.00 24.00 1.75 5.82 225
24 32.00 29.50 27.25 20 1.38 23.25 24.00 26.12 1.81 5.94 260

ANSI B16.5 Class 150 Slip-On Flanges

(a)All dimensions are in inches.

(b)These flanges will be furnished with a 1/16" raised face unless otherwise specified.For more alternate flange facings, please click here!

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Raised Face Diameter (R) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Bore (B) Hub Diameter (X) Thickness (T) Length Thru Hub (Y) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 3.50 2.38 1.38 4 0.62 0.88 1.19 0.38 0.56 1
3/4 3.88 2.75 1.69 4 0.62 1.09 1.50 0.44 0.56 2
1 4.25 3.12 2.00 4 0.62 1.36 1.94 0.50 0.62 2
1 1/4 4.62 3.50 2.50 4 0.62 1.70 2.31 0.56 0.75 3
1 1/2 5.00 3.88 2.88 4 0.62 1.95 2.56 0.62 0.81 3
2 6.00 4.75 3.62 4 0.75 2.44 3.06 0.69 0.94 5
2 1/2 7.00 5.50 4.12 4 0.75 2.94 3.56 0.81 1.06 7
3 7.50 6.00 5.00 4 0.75 3.57 4.25 0.88 1.12 8
3 1/2 8.50 7.00 5.50 8 0.75 4.07 4.81 0.88 1.19 11
4 9.00 7.50 6.19 8 0.75 4.57 5.31 0.88 1.25 13
5 10.00 8.50 7.31 8 0.88 5.66 6.44 0.88 1.38 15
6 11.00 9.50 8.50 8 0.88 6.72 7.56 0.94 1.50 19
8 13.50 11.75 10.62 8 0.88 8.72 9.69 1.06 1.69 30
10 16.00 14.25 12.75 12 1.00 10.88 12.00 1.12 1.88 43
12 19.00 17.00 15.00 12 1.00 12.88 14.38 1.19 2.12 64
14 21.00 18.75 16.25 12 1.12 14.14 15.75 1.31 2.19 90
16 23.50 21.25 18.50 16 1.12 16.16 18.00 1.38 2.44 98
18 25.00 22.75 21.00 16 1.25 18.18 19.88 1.50 2.62 130
20 27.50 25.00 23.00 20 1.25 20.20 22.00 1.62 2.81 165
22 29.50 27.25 25.25 20 1.38 22.22 24.00 1.75 3.06 185
24 32.00 29.50 27.25 20 1.38 24.25 26.12 1.81 3.19 220

ANSI B16.5 Class 150 Blind Flanges

(a)All dimensions are in inches.

(b)These flanges will be furnished with a 1/16" raised face unless otherwise specified. For more alternate flange facings, please click here!

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Raised Face Diameter (R) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Thickness (T) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 3.50 2.38 1.38 4 0.62 0.38 1
3/4 3.88 2.75 1.69 4 0.62 0.44 2
1 4.25 3.12 2.00 4 0.62 0.50 2
1 1/4 4.62 3.50 2.50 4 0.62 0.56 3
1 1/2 5.00 3.88 2.88 4 0.62 0.62 4
2 6.00 4.75 3.62 4 0.75 0.69 5
2 1/2 7.00 5.50 4.12 4 0.75 0.81 7
3 7.50 6.00 5.00 4 0.75 0.88 9
3 1/2 8.50 7.00 5.50 8 0.75 0.88 13
4 9.00 7.50 6.19 8 0.75 0.88 17
5 10.00 8.50 7.31 8 0.88 0.88 20
6 11.00 9.50 8.50 8 0.88 0.94 26
8 13.50 11.75 10.62 8 0.88 1.06 45
10 16.00 14.25 12.75 12 1.00 1.12 70
12 19.00 17.00 15.00 12 1.00 1.19 110
14 21.00 18.75 16.25 12 1.12 1.31 140
16 23.50 21.25 18.50 16 1.12 1.38 180
18 25.00 22.75 21.00 16 1.25 1.50 220
20 27.50 25.00 23.00 20 1.25 1.62 285
22 29.50 27.25 25.25 20 1.38 1.75 355
24 32.00 29.50 27.25 20 1.38 1.81 430

ANSI B16.5 Class 150 Threaded Flanges

(a)All dimensions are in inches.
(b)These flanges will be furnished with a 1/16" raised face unless otherwise specified.For more alternate flange facings, please click here!

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Raised Face Diameter (R) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Hub Diameter (X) Thickness (T) Length Thru Hub (Y) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 3.50 2.38 1.38 4 0.62 1.19 0.38 0.56 1
3/4 3.88 2.75 1.69 4 0.62 1.50 0.44 0.56 2
1 4.25 3.12 2.00 4 0.62 1.94 0.50 0.62 2
1 1/4 4.62 3.50 2.50 4 0.62 2.31 0.56 0.75 3
1 1/2 5.00 3.88 2.88 4 0.62 2.56 0.62 0.81 3
2 6.00 4.75 3.62 4 0.75 3.06 0.69 0.94 5
2 1/2 7.00 5.50 4.12 4 0.75 3.56 0.81 1.06 7
3 7.50 6.00 5.00 4 0.75 4.25 0.88 1.12 8
3 1/2 8.50 7.00 5.50 8 0.75 4.81 0.88 1.19 11
4 9.00 7.50 6.19 8 0.75 5.31 0.88 1.25 13
5 10.00 8.50 7.31 8 0.88 6.44 0.88 1.38 15
6 11.00 9.50 8.50 8 0.88 7.56 0.94 1.50 19
8 13.50 11.75 10.62 8 0.88 9.69 1.06 1.69 30
10 16.00 14.25 12.75 12 1.00 12.00 1.12 1.88 43
12 19.00 17.00 15.00 12 1.00 14.38 1.19 2.12 64
14 21.00 18.75 16.25 12 1.12 15.75 1.31 2.19 90
16 23.50 21.25 18.50 16 1.12 18.00 1.38 2.44 98
18 25.00 22.75 21.00 16 1.25 19.88 1.50 2.62 130
20 27.50 25.00 23.00 20 1.25 22.00 1.62 2.81 165
22 29.50 27.25 25.25 20 1.38 24.00 1.75 3.06 185
24 32.00 29.50 27.25 20 1.38 26.12 1.81 3.19 220

ANSI B16.5 Class 150 Lap Joint Flanges

(a)All dimensions are in inches.

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Radius (r) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Hub Diameter (X) Bore (B) Thickness (T) Length Thru Hub (Y) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 3.50 2.38 0.12 4 0.62 1.19 0.90 0.44 0.62 1
3/4 3.88 2.75 0.12 4 0.62 1.50 1.11 0.50 0.62 2
1 4.25 3.12 0.12 4 0.62 1.94 1.36 0.56 0.69 2
1 1/4 4.62 3.50 0.19 4 0.62 2.31 1.70 0.62 0.81 3
1 1/2 5.00 3.88 0.25 4 0.62 2.56 1.95 0.69 0.88 3
2 6.00 4.75 0.31 4 0.75 3.06 2.44 0.75 1.00 5
2 1/2 7.00 5.50 0.31 4 0.75 3.56 2.97 0.88 1.12 7
3 7.50 6.00 0.38 4 0.75 4.25 3.60 0.94 1.19 8
3 1/2 8.50 7.00 0.38 8 0.75 4.81 4.10 0.94 1.25 11
4 9.00 7.50 0.44 8 0.75 5.31 4.60 0.94 1.31 13
5 10.00 8.50 0.44 8 0.88 6.44 5.69 0.94 1.44 15
6 11.00 9.50 0.50 8 0.88 7.56 6.75 1.00 1.56 19
8 13.50 11.75 0.50 8 0.88 9.69 8.75 1.12 1.75 30
10 16.00 14.25 0.50 12 1.00 12.00 10.92 1.19 1.94 43
12 19.00 17.00 0.50 12 1.00 14.38 12.92 1.25 2.19 64
14 21.00 18.75 0.50 12 1.12 15.75 14.18 1.38 3.12 105
16 23.50 21.25 0.50 16 1.12 18.00 16.19 1.44 3.44 140
18 25.00 22.75 0.50 16 1.25 19.88 18.20 1.56 3.81 160
20 27.50 25.00 0.50 20 1.25 22.00 20.25 1.69 4.06 195
22 29.50 27.25 0.50 20 1.38 24.00 22.25 1.81 4.25 245
24 32.00 29.50 0.50 20 1.38 26.12 24.25 1.88 4.38 275

ANSI B16.5 Class 150 Socket-Weld Flanges

(a)All dimensions are in inches.

(b)These flanges will be furnished with a 1/16" raised face unless otherwise specified.For more alternate flange facings, please click here!

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Raised Face Diameter (R) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Hub Diameter (X) Bore (B1) Bore (B2) Depth of Socket (D) Thickness (T) Length Thru Hub (Y) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 3.50 2.38 1.38 4 0.62 1.19 0.62 0.88 0.38 0.38 0.56 1
3/4 3.88 2.75 1.69 4 0.62 1.50 0.82 1.09 0.44 0.44 0.56 2
1 4.25 3.12 2.00 4 0.62 1.94 1.05 1.36 0.50 0.50 0.62 2
1 1/4 4.62 3.50 2.50 4 0.62 2.31 1.38 1.70 0.56 0.56 0.75 3
1 1/2 5.00 3.88 2.88 4 0.62 2.56 1.61 1.95 0.62 0.62 0.81 3
2 6.00 4.75 3.62 4 0.75 3.06 2.07 2.44 0.69 0.69 0.94 5
2 1/2 7.00 5.50 4.12 4 0.75 3.56 2.47 2.94 0.75 0.81 1.06 7
3 7.50 6.00 5.00 4 0.75 4.25 3.07 3.57 0.81 0.88 1.12 8
3 1/2 8.50 7.00 5.50 8 0.75 4.81 3.55 4.07 0.88 0.88 1.19 11
4 9.00 7.50 6.19 8 0.75 5.31 4.03 4.57 0.94 0.88 1.25 13
5 10.00 8.50 7.31 8 0.88 6.44 5.05 5.66 0.94 0.88 1.38 15
6 11.00 9.50 8.50 8 0.88 7.56 6.07 6.72 1.06 0.94 1.50 19
8 13.50 11.75 10.62 8 0.88 9.69 7.98 8.72 1.25 1.06 1.69 30
10 16.00 14.25 12.75 12 1.00 12.00 10.02 10.88 1.31 1.12 1.88 43
12 19.00 17.00 15.00 12 1.00 14.38 12.00 12.88 1.56 1.19 2.12 64
14 21.00 18.75 16.25 12 1.12 15.75 13.25 14.14 1.63 1.31 2.19 90
16 23.50 21.25 18.50 16 1.12 18.00 15.25 16.16 1.75 1.38 2.44 98
18 25.00 22.75 21.00 16 1.25 19.88 17.25 18.18 1.94 1.50 2.62 130
20 27.50 25.00 23.00 20 1.25 22.00 19.25 20.20 2.13 1.62 2.81 165
22 29.50 27.25 25.25 20 1.38 24.00 21.25 22.22 2.38 1.75 3.06 185
24 32.00 29.50 27.25 20 1.38 26.12 23.25 24.25 2.50 1.81 3.19 220

ANSI B16.5 Class 300 Welding Neck Flanges

(A)All dimensions are in inches.

(B)These flanges will be furnished with a 1/16" raised face unless otherwise specified.For more alternate flange facings, please click here!

(C)Standard Bore will be furnished unless otherwise specified.For more diameter of holes, please click here!

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Raised Face Diameter (R) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Bore (B) Point of Weld (A) Hub Diameter (X) Thickness (T) Length Thru Hub (Y) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 3.75 2.62 1.38 4 0.63 0.62 0.84 1.50 0.50 2.00 2
3/4 4.62 3.25 1.69 4 0.75 0.82 1.05 1.88 0.56 2.19 3
1 4.88 3.50 2.00 4 0.75 1.05 1.32 2.12 0.62 2.38 4
1 1/4 5.25 3.88 2.50 4 0.75 1.38 1.66 2.50 0.69 2.50 5
1 1/2 6.12 4.50 2.88 4 0.88 1.61 1.90 2.75 0.75 2.63 7
2 6.50 5.00 3.62 8 0.75 2.07 2.38 3.31 0.81 2.69 9
2 1/2 7.50 5.88 4.12 8 0.88 2.47 2.88 3.94 0.94 2.94 12
3 8.25 6.62 5.00 8 0.88 3.07 3.50 4.62 1.06 3.06 15
3 1/2 9.00 7.25 5.50 8 0.88 3.55 4.00 5.25 1.12 3.13 18
4 10.00 7.88 6.19 8 0.88 4.03 4.50 5.75 1.19 3.32 25
5 11.00 9.25 7.31 8 0.88 5.05 5.56 7.00 1.31 3.82 32
6 12.50 10.62 8.50 12 0.88 6.07 6.63 8.12 1.38 3.82 42
8 15.00 13.00 10.62 12 1.00 7.98 8.63 10.25 1.56 4.32 67
10 17.50 15.25 12.75 16 1.12 10.02 10.75 12.62 1.81 4.56 91
12 20.50 17.75 15.00 16 1.25 12.00 12.75 14.75 1.94 5.06 140
14 23.00 20.25 16.25 20 1.25 13.25 14.00 16.75 2.06 5.56 180
16 25.50 22.50 18.50 20 1.38 15.25 16.00 19.00 2.19 5.65 250
18 28.00 24.75 21.00 24 1.38 17.25 18.00 21.00 2.31 6.19 320
20 30.50 27.00 23.00 24 1.38 19.25 20.00 23.12 2.44 6.32 400
22 33.00 29.25 25.25 24 1.63 21.25 22.00 25.25 2.56 6.44 465
24 36.00 32.00 27.25 24 1.63 23.25 24.00 27.62 2.69 6.56 580

ANSI B16.5 Class 300 Slip-On Flanges

(a)All dimensions are in inches.

(b)These flanges will be furnished with a 1/16" raised face unless otherwise specified.For more alternate flange facings, please click here!

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Raised Face Diameter (R) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Bore (B) Hub Diameter (X) Thickness (T) Length Thru Hub (Y) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 3.75 2.62 1.38 4 0.63 0.88 1.50 0.50 0.81 2
3/4 4.62 3.25 1.69 4 0.75 1.09 1.88 0.56 0.94 3
1 4.88 3.50 2.00 4 0.75 1.36 2.12 0.62 1.00 3
1 1/4 5.25 3.88 2.50 4 0.75 1.70 2.50 0.69 1.00 4
1 1/2 6.12 4.50 2.88 4 0.88 1.95 2.75 0.75 1.13 6
2 6.50 5.00 3.62 8 0.75 2.44 3.31 0.81 1.25 7
2 1/2 7.50 5.88 4.12 8 0.88 2.94 3.94 0.94 1.44 10
3 8.25 6.62 5.00 8 0.88 3.57 4.62 1.06 1.63 13
3 1/2 9.00 7.25 5.50 8 0.88 4.07 5.25 1.12 1.69 17
4 10.00 7.88 6.19 8 0.88 4.57 5.75 1.19 1.82 22
5 11.00 9.25 7.31 8 0.88 5.66 7.00 1.31 1.94 28
6 12.50 10.62 8.50 12 0.88 6.72 8.12 1.38 2.00 39
8 15.00 13.00 10.62 12 1.00 8.72 10.25 1.56 2.38 58
10 17.50 15.25 12.75 16 1.13 10.88 12.62 1.81 2.56 81
12 20.50 17.75 15.00 16 1.25 12.88 14.75 1.94 2.82 115
14 23.00 20.25 16.25 20 1.25 14.14 16.75 2.06 2.94 165
16 25.50 22.50 18.50 20 1.38 16.16 19.00 2.19 3.19 190
18 28.00 24.75 21.00 24 1.38 18.18 21.00 2.31 3.44 250
20 30.50 27.00 23.00 24 1.38 20.20 23.12 2.44 3.69 315
22 33.00 29.25 25.25 24 1.63 22.22 25.25 2.56 3.94 370
24 36.00 32.00 27.25 24 1.63 24.25 27.62 2.69 4.13 475

ANSI B16.5 Class 300 Blind Flanges

(a) All dimensions are in inches.
(b) These flanges will be furnished with a 1/16" raised face unless otherwise specified,For more alternate flange facings, please click here!

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Raised Face Diameter (R) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Thickness (T) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 3.75 2.62 1.38 4 0.63 0.50 2
3/4 4.62 3.25 1.69 4 0.75 0.56 3
1 4.88 3.50 2.00 4 0.75 0.62 3
1 1/4 5.25 3.88 2.50 4 0.75 0.69 4
1 1/2 6.12 4.50 2.88 4 0.88 0.75 6
2 6.50 5.00 3.62 8 0.75 0.81 8
2 1/2 7.50 5.88 4.12 8 0.88 0.94 12
3 8.25 6.62 5.00 8 0.88 1.06 16
3 1/2 9.00 7.25 5.50 8 0.88 1.12 21
4 10.00 7.88 6.19 8 0.88 1.19 27
5 11.00 9.25 7.31 8 0.88 1.31 35
6 12.50 10.62 8.50 12 0.88 1.38 50
8 15.00 13.00 10.62 12 1.00 1.56 81
10 17.50 15.25 12.75 16 1.13 1.81 124
12 20.50 17.75 15.00 16 1.25 1.94 185
14 23.00 20.25 16.25 20 1.25 2.06 250
16 25.50 22.50 18.50 20 1.38 2.19 295
18 28.00 24.75 21.00 24 1.38 2.31 395
20 30.50 27.00 23.00 24 1.38 2.44 505
22 33.00 29.25 25.25 24 1.63 2.56 640
24 36.00 32.00 27.25 24 1.63 2.69 790

ANSI B16.5 Class 300 Threaded Flanges

(a)All dimensions are in inches.
(b)These flanges will be furnished with a 1/16" raised face unless otherwise specified.For more alternate flange facings, please click here!

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Raised Face Diameter (R) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Hub Diameter (X) Thickness (T) Length Thru Hub (Y) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 3.75 2.62 1.38 4 0.63 1.50 0.50 0.81 2
3/4 4.62 3.25 1.69 4 0.75 1.88 0.56 0.94 3
1 4.88 3.50 2.00 4 0.75 2.12 0.62 1.00 3
1 1/4 5.25 3.88 2.50 4 0.75 2.50 0.69 1.00 4
1 1/2 6.12 4.50 2.88 4 0.88 2.75 0.75 1.13 6
2 6.50 5.00 3.62 8 0.75 3.31 0.81 1.25 7
2 1/2 7.50 5.88 4.12 8 0.88 3.94 0.94 1.44 10
3 8.25 6.62 5.00 8 0.88 4.62 1.06 1.63 13
3 1/2 9.00 7.25 5.50 8 0.88 5.25 1.12 1.69 17
4 10.00 7.88 6.19 8 0.88 5.75 1.19 1.82 22
5 11.00 9.25 7.31 8 0.88 7.00 1.31 1.94 28
6 12.50 10.62 8.50 12 0.88 8.12 1.38 2.00 39
8 15.00 13.00 10.62 12 1.00 10.25 1.56 2.38 58
10 17.50 15.25 12.75 16 1.13 12.62 1.81 2.56 81
12 20.50 17.75 15.00 16 1.25 14.75 1.94 2.82 115
14 23.00 20.25 16.25 20 1.25 16.75 2.06 2.94 165
16 25.50 22.50 18.50 20 1.38 19.00 2.19 3.19 190
18 28.00 24.75 21.00 24 1.38 21.00 2.31 3.44 250
20 30.50 27.00 23.00 24 1.38 23.12 2.44 3.69 315
22 33.00 29.25 25.25 24 1.63 25.25 2.56 3.94 370
24 36.00 32.00 27.25 24 1.63 27.62 2.69 4.13 475

ANSI B16.5 Class 300 Lap Joint Flanges

(a)All dimensions are in inches.

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Radius (r) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Hub Diameter (X) Bore (B) Thickness (T) Length Thru Hub (Y) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 3.75 2.62 0.12 4 0.63 1.50 0.90 0.56 0.88 2
3/4 4.62 3.25 0.12 4 0.75 1.88 1.11 0.62 1.00 3
1 4.88 3.50 0.12 4 0.75 2.12 1.38 0.69 1.06 3
1 1/4 5.25 3.88 0.19 4 0.75 2.50 1.72 0.75 1.06 4
1 1/2 6.12 4.50 0.25 4 0.88 2.75 1.97 0.81 1.19 6
2 6.50 5.00 0.31 8 0.75 3.31 2.46 0.88 1.31 7
2 1/2 7.50 5.88 0.31 8 0.88 3.94 2.97 1.00 1.50 10
3 8.25 6.62 0.38 8 0.88 4.62 3.60 1.12 1.69 13
3 1/2 9.00 7.25 0.38 8 0.88 5.25 4.10 1.19 1.75 17
4 10.00 7.88 0.44 8 0.88 5.75 4.60 1.25 1.88 22
5 11.00 9.25 0.44 8 0.88 7.00 5.69 1.38 2.00 28
6 12.50 10.62 0.50 12 0.88 8.12 6.75 1.44 2.06 39
8 15.00 13.00 0.50 12 1.00 10.25 8.75 1.62 2.44 58
10 17.50 15.25 0.50 16 1.13 12.62 10.92 1.88 3.75 91
12 20.50 17.75 0.50 16 1.25 14.75 12.92 2.00 4.00 140
14 23.00 20.25 0.50 20 1.25 16.75 14.18 2.12 4.38 190
16 25.50 22.50 0.50 20 1.38 19.00 16.19 2.25 4.75 250
18 28.00 24.75 0.50 24 1.38 21.00 18.20 2.38 5.12 295
20 30.50 27.00 0.50 24 1.38 23.12 20.25 2.50 5.50 370
22 33.00 29.25 0.50 24 1.63 25.25 22.25 2.62 5.69 435
24 36.00 32.00 0.50 24 1.63 27.62 24.25 2.75 6.00 550

ANSI B16.5 Class 300 Socket-Weld Flanges

(a)All dimensions are in inches.

(b)These flanges will be furnished with a 1/16" raised face unless otherwise specified. For more alternate flange facings, please click here!

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (O) Bolt Circle (W) Raised Face Diameter (R) Number of Holes Diameter of Holes Hub Diameter (X) Bore (B1) Bore (B2) Depth of Socket (D) Thickness (T) Length Thru Hub (Y) Approximate Weight (lbs)
1/2 3.75 2.62 1.38 4 0.63 1.50 0.62 0.88 0.38 0.50 0.88 2
3/4 4.62 3.25 1.69 4 0.75 1.88 0.82 1.09 0.44 0.56 1.00 3
1 4.88 3.50 2.00 4 0.75 2.12 1.05 1.36 0.50 0.62 1.06 3
1 1/4 5.25 3.88 2.50 4 0.75 2.50 1.38 1.70 0.56 0.69 1.06 4
1 1/2 6.12 4.50 2.88 4 0.88 2.75 1.61 1.95 0.62 0.75 1.19 6
2 6.50 5.00 3.62 8 0.75 3.31 2.07 2.44 0.69 0.81 1.31 7
2 1/2 7.50 5.88 4.12 8 0.88 3.94 2.47 2.94 0.75 0.94 1.50 10
3 8.25 6.62 5.00 8 0.88 4.62 3.07 3.57 0.81 1.06 1.69 13


ANSI Standard Flanges

Yanhao provides several ANSI Standard Flanges, which generally be used for the removable connection of pipes as well as the transitions between devices (valves, pumps). Our products covers ANSI flanges (welding neck / blind flanges / slip on / threaded flanges / socket welding flanges) according to B16.5. ANSI flanges are available in pressure ratings 150/300/600/900/1500/2500 lbs. Our flanges includes stainless steel, alloy steel and carbon steel. The dimensions range from ½ “to 24”. We are also happy to supply special materials, special approvals and flanges according to drawings on request. Contact us.

What Is ANSI Flange?

What is ANSI? ANSI is the acronym for the American National Standard Institute, which is the certification body responsible for standardizing various products, services and systems in the United States. It is a private, not-for-profit organization (headquarters in Washington) that oversees the development of standards for products, services, processes, systems, and employees of the United States. Its objective is to improve the standard of living and the competitiveness of American businesses through standardization.

What is ANSI Flange standard? ANSI Flange standard is the official standard for ANSI Class Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings in which the dimensions, surface properties, shape of the sealing surface, marking and the material as well as the technical delivery conditions for flanges are specified.

ANSI Flanges, manufactured based on standards developed by organizations, are the standard flanges designed with specific rules and conditions stated by ANSI standards. The ANSI Flange dimensions are determined by the size of the pipe and the class of the pressure, which are required for the flange to be able to withstand water pressure and heat.

ANSI flange Specifications Indicate:The flange pressure class (in LB) , size of the pipe (in inches), the number of bolts, the flanges diameter (in inches), the diameter of the bolts, the diameter of the hole, the bolts are placed into and the measurement of the bolts circle (in inches)

ANSI Flanges Standard & Specifications

ANSI Standard Types: ANSI B16.5

ANSI Standard Flange Dimensions & Size: Class 150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500 LB – NPS 1/2”to NPS 24”

ANSI Pipe Flange Types: Slip-On Flange, Weld Neck Flange, Blind Flange, Lap Joint Flange, Threaded Flange, Socket-Weld Flange

ANSI Flange Materials:

Carbon Steel: ASTM A105, ASTM A350 LF1/2, ASTM A181

Alloy Steel: ASTM A182F1 /F2 /F5 /F7 /F9 /F11 /F12 /F22

Stainless Steel: ASTM A182F6 /F304 /F304L /F316 /F316L/ F321/F347/F348

ANSI Flange Face Types: Flat Face (FF), Raised Face (RF), Ring Joint (RTJ), Tongue and groove (T&G), And Male and Female type

ANSI Flanges Application Industries

ANSI standard flanges widely used in many industries around the world, including:

Chemical, Oil & Glass assemblies

Mining industry (Fire protection services)

Power industry (plants and the nuclear power)

Construction (Waterworks and municipal pipe systems)

Water Treatment (Heating systems and heat exchangers)

Food processing and manufacturing (Plumbing and mechanical systems)

And other valves, vessels, and industrial pumps

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